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Studies and Publications

4Life Transfer Factor

  • Peer-reviewed publications

    Safety assessment of long-term use of 4Life Transfer Factor using a variety of studies recommended by regulatory authorities. Learn more.

    Beneficial impact of various compositions of transfer factors on our immune health.* Learn more.

    Positive effects of cow colostrum and egg-derived transfer factors Part 1: Non-specific immunomodulation.* Learn more.

    Positive effects of cow colostrum and egg-derived transfer factors Part 2: Antigen-specific immunomodulation.* Learn more.

    Development of an immunological method to evaluate the efficacy of 4Life Transfer Factor against health threats.* Learn more.

  • Third-party studies

    Safety assessment of a single oral high-dose of 4Life Transfer Factor® Tri-Factor® Formula and 4Life® Transfer Factor Plus® Tri-Factor® Formula. Learn more.

    4Life Transfer Factor is clinically proven to activate the immune system within two hours. Learn more.

    Measuring how much 4Life Transfer Factor® Chewable Tri-Factor® formula is safe for consumption.* Learn more.

    4Life Transfer Factor suppresses an overactive immune response.* Learn more.

  • In-house studies

    Pilot study to assess the effectiveness of a user-friendly instrument in quantifying IgA in human saliva. Learn more.

    Pilot study to obtain a normal range of salivary IgA by using a new, user-friendly instrument for humans. Learn more.

  • Prescribers Digital Reference

    Description of Transfer Factor products and benefits from a long-trusted source. Learn more.

4LifeTransform Burn

  • Peer-reviewed publications

    Laboratory studies showed that 4LifeTransform Burn by itself or with PRO-TF® stimulates fat metabolism and improves body composition.* Learn more.

  • In-house studies

    Thermogenic properties of 4LifeTransform Burn in a 12-week weight management study.* Learn more.

4Life Transfer Factor Collagen

  • Peer-reviewed publications

    A review article on natural ingredients that can benefit the skin.* Learn more.

    Efficacy of 4Life Transfer Factor Collagen on skin hydration, firmness, and wrinkles in an 84-day clinical study and telomerase activity in an in vitro study.* Learn more.

  • Third-party studies

    Clinical study shows 4Life Transfer Factor Collagen improves skin hydration, firmness, and fine lines and wrinkles in healthy adults.* Learn more.


  • In-house studies

    An exploratory study on human gut microbiome modulation after a 25-day dietary cleansing and detoxification supplement regimen.* Learn more.

4Life Transfer Factor FeelRite

  • Peer-reviewed publications

    An endocannabinoid receptor binding study to optimize the FeelRite formula. Learn more.

    Positive effects of FeelRite towards ex vivo physiological stress markers*. Learn more.

Gold Factor

  • Peer-reviewed publications

    Safety assessment of long-term use of 4Life Gold Factor using a variety of studies recommended by regulatory authorities. Learn more.

    Clinical Study Demonstrating Gold Factor Effectively Improves Joint Health. Learn more.

    Gold Factor Shows Potential Anti-Aging Benefits* Learn more.

  • Third-party studies

    Clinical Study Demonstrating Gold Factor Effectively Improves Joint Health. Learn more.

Transfer Factor Lung

  • Peer-reviewed publications

    Evaluation of the protective effects of 4Life Transfer Factor Lung against the negative impact of PM2.5 pollution exposure. * Learn more.

  • Third-party studies
    Evaluation of the protective effects of 4Life Transfer Factor Lung against the negative impact of PM2.5 pollution exposure.* Learn more.

Pre/o Biotics

  • Peer-reviewed publications

    Laboratory study shows that four weeks of taking Pre/o Biotics has beneficial effects on gut integrity and microbiome health.* Learn more.

    In vitro studies examine different combinations of prebiotics and 4Life Transfer Factor on probiotic growth.* Learn more.

  • Third-party studies

    A collection of cellular and pre-clinical studies reveal the best combination of prebiotics, probiotics, and 4Life Transfer Factor for gut microbiome health.* Learn more.

  • In-house studies
    Discovery and validation of prebiotic properties of ultra-filtered cow colostrum and chicken egg yolk*. Learn more.


  • Peer-reviewed publications


  • Peer-reviewed publications

    Effects of Renuvo on the expression of oxidative stress markers while eating a high-fat, high-sugar diet.* Learn more.


  • Peer-reviewed publications

    Clinical study shows RiteStart improves several markers of general and immune health. Learn more.

  • In-house studies

    Positive influence of RiteStart as a foundational component in a 12-week personalized nutrition program.* Learn more.


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